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Light modern square rescue parachute - The Salvage SQ is modern square rescue parachute. Thanks to its design, it provides very low opening time after throwing and high pendulum stability. More

The Salvage SQ is modern square rescue parachute. Thanks to its design, it provides very low opening time after throwing and high pendulum stability. Two attributes that can be decisive when using a rescue system. The relatively large projected area guarantees a low sink-rate, while the materials used guarantee a small packaging volume.

Low weight

The Salvage SQ uses the highest quality parachute materials. These materials have been chosen for their optimum balance of durability, performance, small packing volumes.
The Salvage SQ is lighter than a classic round shaped parachute of equivalent size, and when packed down has a much smaller volume. The Salvage SQ is the optimal solution for all paraglider pilots who prefer light equipment.

Fast inflation

The Salvage SQ opens fast. Much faster when compared to round shaped parachutes.

Good Sink rate and Great Stability

The two main factors in reserve parachute performance are sink rate and stability. 

The principal advantage of the Salvage SQ over a traditionally shaped round parachutes is in its increased stability. The Salvage SQ really excels by its high pendulum stability.

The large projected surface area delivers excellent sink rate – all sizes of the Salvage SQ provide plenty of margin within the weight ranges they are certified to carry.

Certified EN and LTF to the EN 12491 and LTF NFL II 91/09 standards, the Salvage SQ is available in 3 sizes with maximum loads from 110 kg, 130 kg and 160 kg.


SALVAGE SQ   110 130 160
Surface [m2] 23,0 27,3 40,0
Strings   24 24 22
Weight [kg] 1.05 1.20 1.70
Pack volume [ccm] 2900 3700 5300
Pilot weight max. [kg] 110 130 160
Sink rate [m/s] <5.5 <5.5 5.35
Size 110, 130, 160